Doug’s Status

As of November 3, 2012

Recently, Doug had a routine appointment with his nephrologist (kidney doctor). The labs done for the appointment showed Doug had “good” numbers on his blood chemistry. I put good in quotes because good numbers for Doug are not good numbers for the rest of us. His numbers are indicating his kidney function has not deteriorated further. It will never improve without a miracle, but for now, it hasn’t gotten worse, and we’re so very thankful for that.

As of September 18, 2012:

Doug is in a holding pattern with his kidney disease. He is on the deceased donor list for a kidney with a wait of about five years. Currently, he’s at Chronic Kidney Disease Stage 4 or CKD 4. This is the stage right before dialysis which is CKD 5. Doug has been advised to stay off of dialysis as long as possible. He is type 1 diabetic, and diabetics do not do well on long term dialysis. It cuts their lifespan significantly. Plus, not being on dialysis also improves how well his body could receive a donated kidney. So no dialysis for him if he can help it. It is a bit of a feat to do this, but that’s what he’s trying to do.

For those just reading who may not know, Doug has been type 1 diabetic for most of his life, and his lifestyle did not make him diabetic. Before he was diagnosed, he ran several miles a day, ate a good diet, and was very fit. But diabetes is a nasty disease. It’s more or less a vascular disease which means it affects every part of the body. The kidneys being just one area that’s affected. Despite this, he is thankful, and I am thankful because the Lord has us in His hands and has blessed us with a great family and friends.

As of February 26, 2013

We are in Denver and will go to the University of Colorado Hospital Anschutz Campus in Aurora at 5am tomorrow so Doug can receive a transplanted kidney. The journey is far from over, but we could not have come this far without your help and obviously the Lord’s! I will keep you posted on Doug’s progress and tell you about Mike, who is donating his kidney. More on that tomorrow. In the meantime, please pray for both of them as they go into this procedure, and thank you for all of your prayers and support to date.

As of Februrary 27, 2013

Doug had his surgery, and it was successful. His new kidney started functioning immediately. We are thankful that it went so well.

As of March 27, 2013

We are still in Denver but soon to go back home where hopefully we can settle into a routine.

As for May 15, 2013

Doug was diagnosed with a virus. For people without an impaired immune system, it is more or less a common cold virus. For Doug it can mean blindness, lung damage, and a host of other things I don’t even want to think about. The drug required to combat this cost almost $8,000 a month. Thankfully we have applied for Medicare.

3 thoughts on “Doug’s Status”

  1. Evelyn Crider said:

    I hate to hear this. I seems like he is in a bad shape. I hope he gets a kidney in the near furture. I know it is hard for you to have to see him in this shape. You know the Lord is in control.l Wish I could see you. Love yall.

  2. Brandi Mashburn said:

    We love you both so much!!!! I am praying for God’s intervention in His timing. That you may both (as well as the kids) be filled with peace, knowing that God holds you so tightly in His hand that you are imprinted there. He is a God that see’s and knows your every need, hurt, and desire. I know that you know this but sometimes we neeed to hear it from others.

  3. Thanking God for answered prayer in hearing this “good” news. Still praying fervently with you for a new kidney.

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